Questions will be updated at various times to reflect both the current planning activities and input gathered during the planning process.
Milwaukee County encourages community input and conversation on the future of Timmerman Airport.
Why prepare a Master Plan Update?
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) requires airports to maintain long-range plans for airport development so that airport sponsors make cost-effective facility and land use decisions that maintain a safe, secure, and efficient operating environment and that reflect local priorities for the airport. This Master Plan Update will serve as a guide for managing and developing future facilities at MWC over the next two decades.
How are the aviation activity forecasts prepared and why are they important?
Forecasts of future activity (sometimes called “demand forecasts”) are prepared by reviewing historical trends and using a combination of statistical and economic modeling and professional judgment. For example, evaluating the past trends in aviation activity growth and considering the corresponding economic conditions can yield important insights. Demand forecasts also consider identified industry trends (e.g., increased recreational flying, evolving aircraft characteristics, etc.).
Activity forecasts are important because the Airport must be prepared to accommodate aviation needs in the future and to provide a safe and efficient operating environment and therefore must provide the right types, configurations, and sizes of facilities as appropriate. These demand forecasts are used to establish the timing and need for future facilities.
What is the FAA’s role in the Master Plan Study?
The FAA is responsible for the review and approval of the forecast of future activity. The agency’s review is intended to ensure that forecasts are realistic, are based on reasonable planning assumptions, consider current data, and are developed using an appropriate methodology.
The FAA is also responsible for the review and approval of the Airport Layout Plan to ensure that it presents a reasonable planning concept, that it complies with FAA planning standards, and that it follows published guidance.
What are the goals of the Master Plan Update?
The planning team will be working with Airport representatives to define goals to guide the development and evaluation of alternative concepts for meeting forecast demand and other planning activities. A strategic Business Plan for MWC was prepared in 2017, documenting a vision of a revitalized airport that leverages the Airport as a premier general aviation airport in the state.
Will the public have input on the Airport’s preferred long-range development plan?
Yes, alternative development concepts and the process used to evaluate them will be presented to stakeholders and at public information sessions, giving an opportunity for feedback and input. This input will be considered during the planning process.